Next workshop is at the Infinite Possibilities Conference at IMSI on the campus of the University of Chicago in April 2025.
Workshop Organization
May 2025
Algebra Seminar, University of Pennsylvania
What is...? Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
March 2025
Members' Colloquium, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar, Temple University
AWM Colloquium, Rutgers University
February 2025
IAS/Princeton Number Theory Seminar
Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Seminar, Columbia University
Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, CUNY
Museum Exhibit
June 2026
Co-organizing (with F. Andreatta, E. Hellmann, and M. Kakde) Algebraische Zahlentheorie, Oberwolfach Research Institute, Germany
March 2026
Co-organizing (with K. Stange) Integrating Research and Illustration in Number Theory (five-day research workshop), Institut Henri Poincaré, France
Spring 2023
Co-organizing semester-long program (with H. Darmon, B. Howard, D. Loeffler, C. Skinner, S. Zerbes, and W. Zhang) on Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems, MSRI, Berkeley, California
January 2023
Co-organizing (with H. Darmon, B. Howard, and E. Mantovan) two workshops, MSRI, Berkeley, California
-Connections Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems
-Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems
December 2022
Co-organizing (with S.W. Shin and L. Xiao) session on algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry at the Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress, Vancouver, Canada
July--August 2022
Co-organizing (with M. Fox, M. Harris, C. Hsu, A. Pollack, Sujatha, and C. Wang-Erickson) A Pair of Automorphic Workshops, University of Oregon
-Graduate instructional workshop
-Workshop to promote diverse research collaborations
Here is the Collaboration Tips for Project Leaders document I created.
July 2022
Co-organizing (with M. Dimitrov and A. Jorza) Conference on p-adic L-functions and eigenvarieties, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
July 2021
Co-organizing (with D. Barrera Salazar, L. Alberto Lomelí, A Pacetti, and C. Sorensen) session on Galois representations and automorphic forms, Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
October 2019
Co-organized (with J. Kamnitzer, A. Kontorovich, and K. Stange) Illustrating Number Theory and Algebra workshop, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, RI
April 2019
Co-organized (with Y. Liu, L. Xiao, and W. Zheng) AMS Special Session on Special Values of L-functions and Arithmetic Invariants in Families, Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT
January 2017 Co-organized (with A. Bucur) of the Joint Mathematics Meetings AWM Workshop (special session on number theory), Atlanta, GA March 2016 Co-organized (with J. Rouse and K. Thompson) of the 30th Annual Automorphic Forms Workshop, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
The exhibit Creativity Counts at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art shared a creative side of mathematics with the broader public. You can still access a virtual version of the in-person exhibit.
Improv and Pedagogy