Next workshop is at the Infinite Possibilities Conference at IMSI on the campus of the University of Chicago in April 2025.


See my CV for recent and upcoming talks.​  Links to some are also here:

Workshop Organization

Museum Exhibit

June 2026

Co-organizing (with F. Andreatta, E. Hellmann, and M. Kakde) Algebraische Zahlentheorie, Oberwolfach Research Institute, Germany


March 2026

Co-organizing (with K. Stange) Integrating Research and Illustration in Number Theory (five-day research workshop), Institut Henri Poincaré, France


Spring 2023

Co-organizing semester-long program (with H. Darmon, B. Howard, D. Loeffler, C. Skinner, S. Zerbes, and W. Zhang) on Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems, MSRI, Berkeley, California


January 2023

Co-organizing (with H. Darmon, B. Howard, and E. Mantovan) two workshops, MSRI, Berkeley, California

-Connections Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems

-Introductory Workshop: Algebraic Cycles, L-Values, and Euler Systems


December 2022

Co-organizing (with S.W. Shin and L. Xiao) session on algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry at the Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress, Vancouver, Canada


July--August 2022

Co-organizing (with M. Fox, M. Harris, C. Hsu, A. Pollack, Sujatha, and C. Wang-Erickson) A Pair of Automorphic Workshops, University of Oregon

-Graduate instructional workshop

-Workshop to promote diverse research collaborations

Here is the Collaboration Tips for Project Leaders document I created.


July 2022

Co-organizing (with M. Dimitrov and A. Jorza) Conference on p-adic L-functions and eigenvarieties, University of Notre Dame, Indiana


July 2021

Co-organizing (with D. Barrera Salazar, L. Alberto Lomelí, A Pacetti, and C. Sorensen) session on Galois representations and automorphic forms, Mathematical Congress of the Americas, Buenos Aires, Argentina


October 2019

Co-organized (with J. Kamnitzer, A. Kontorovich, and K. Stange) Illustrating Number Theory and Algebra workshop, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, RI


April 2019

Co-organized (with Y. Liu, L. Xiao, and W. Zheng) AMS Special Session on Special Values of L-functions and Arithmetic Invariants in Families, Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT


January 2017

Co-organized (with A. Bucur) of the Joint Mathematics Meetings AWM Workshop (special session on number theory), Atlanta, GA


March 2016

Co-organized (with J. Rouse and K. Thompson) of the 30th Annual Automorphic Forms Workshop, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC


The exhibit Creativity Counts at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art shared a creative side of mathematics with the broader public.  You can still access a virtual version of the in-person exhibit.

Improv and Pedagogy
