photo taken by Miles Truesdell

​​​​​​​While my research area draws on a diversity of mathematical topics, many of its practitioners have historically been less enthusiastic about integrating ideas from people who seem sufficiently different from themselves.  This phenomenon has led to my involvement in efforts to promote more diverse participation in mathematics, for example through APAW (a collaborative research workshop I created to facilitate diverse research collaborations).  Some of my work was recently featured in a TV piece on International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

You can learn about my path in Stepping Outside the Mold to Improv-e Mathematics, Angela Cai's winning submission to the 2021 AWM/Math for America high school essay contest.  

​​I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Oregon.  During the 2024-2025 academic year, I will be at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.  I enjoy learning about different topics and collaborating with others at the intersections of our expertise.  This is part of what attracted me to my area of research in number theory, which relies on many flavors of math.  Much of my research concerns automorphic forms and L-functions, which link seemingly disparate data.  I especially focus on algebraic and p-adic aspects.


I enjoy combining my interests in mathematics with other areas, including improv(isational theater) and museums.  I serve on the Advisory Board of the Seattle Universal Math Museum.